Considering A Digital Music Solution? Choose GAD’s AMI Jukebox

Considering A Digital Music Solution? Choose GAD’s AMI Jukebox

Considering A Digital Music Solution? Choose GAD’s AMI Jukebox 2048 1346 GAD Vending

So much more than the tradition juke box that played a selection of music. The AMI Digital Juke Box solution can do so much more. Here’s just a few innovative ideas:

  • AMI’s background music solution add on feature keeps the music going. Let AMI seamlessly play background music until a paid selection is made. This way you reduce your human DJ needs, increase your patrons selecting their own music and have a revenue stream on top of it all.
  • AMI takes care of all your ASCAP reporting. You can program less expensive music selections in the slow parts of your day and pump it up as the busier day parts hit. This way you maximize your music spend and streamline reporting.
  • Add on your trivia games with AMI. This way you have a single solution to your week. AMI can appear on all your screens and run the game for you.
  • Advertise specials at a moments notice. Want to run a food special to keep people in your place? AMI has an app that allows your managers to have specials ready to post at a moment’s notice. This way you can anticipate your kitchen’s pace so you please both your staff with larger receipts and your customers with specials.
  • Set up incentives for you staff to use the juke box as well. This is available to sign up for on AMI’s website.
  • AMI is your partner. Once your customer has the AMI app, they are engaged to purchase music, participate in AMI contests and get rewards from AMI. This gets more out of your AMI revenue stream.

Contact GAD to find out more on how the AMI digital juke box solutions can work for you.