AMI Jukeboxes Marries Music with Music Videos

AMI Jukeboxes Marries Music with Music Videos

AMI Jukeboxes Marries Music with Music Videos 1520 880 GAD Vending

AMI Jukeboxes Marries Music with Music Videos to entertain your customers while they enjoy your establishment.

  • When a customer selects a song that has an available music video, the AMI jukebox UI (or AMI Music app UI) suggests upgrading to the video selection.
  • Customers pay a small upcharge for video selections.
  • Selected videos play on the TVs you connect to your AMI Atom Jukebox.
  • AMI’s Music Video On Demand (MVOD) feature grants players access to the full library of more than 35,000 music videos.

Todays customers are multi-screen consumers of content. They are looking for fully immersive experiences to compliment their time spent at your place. The AMI Atom can pull music videos to match the music across all connected screens. This satisfies the needs of everyone in you place – whether or not the games are on other screens. This gives everyone something to enjoy.

Plus, with AMI, the music tracking apps, advertising manager and other digital control features allows you easy control of all your digital music.

GAD knows digital music and how to set it up in your locations.