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Sally Cohen

New! BankShot Skill Games for Nebraska

New! BankShot Skill Games for Nebraska 1280 720 GAD Vending

GAD is proud to announce our distribution agreement with BankShot for Skill Games in Nebraska.

BankShot Games

BankShot currently has 6 varieties of skill games to choose from. Each with multiple games and skills required to win.

These games are:

  • BBMG
    • BBMG, the ultimate destination for thrilling gameplay, exciting bonuses, and massive wins! Packed with an incredible lineup of games like Bank Buster, Cash Kitty, Disco Dollars, Fishing Frenzy, and Superball 4x, BBMG delivers nonstop entertainment with features that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
  • CCMG
    • CCMG features thrilling games like Cantina Cash, Fishing Frenzy, Gypsy Rose, Pow Pow Panda, Mr & Mrs, and SuperBall 4x, offering unique bonuses, Free Games, and exciting jackpot opportunities for endless fun!
  • GRMG
    • GRMG features six exciting skilled games, each offering unique gameplay and rewards. From the tropical thrills of Cabo Cash and whimsical adventures in Wonderland, to the treasure-packed Gold Rush, couple-themed bonuses in Mr & Mrs, and the high-energy action of SuperBall 4x and Fishing Frenzy, there’s something for every player to enjoy!
  • IEMG
    • IEMG showcases 6 different, exciting skill games that each offer different play – and rewards. Players never get tired of this selection!
  • BankShot Pick and Win FF5
    • BankShot Pick and Win FF5 is comprised of 7 different thrilling pick type skill games. Fishing Frenzy is a BankShot classic and we have branded these games for the Omaha and Nebraska markets.
  • Fishing Frenzy 6
    • Fishing Frenzy 6 has 7 unique games including Redneck Riches, Tiger King and Derbyball 4x. These offer unique bonuses, free games and exciting chances to win.

BankShot History

John Fox is the president of American Amusements. In mid–2007, prior to marketing Bankshot, Fox asked a Nebraska State Patrol officer, Don Littrell, to assess the legality of the prototype. Fox understood that Littrell was the State of Nebraska’s gambling device expert, and Littrell agreed that he was the State Patrol’s “go-to-guy” in this area. Littrell advised Fox and American Amusements that the initial prototype of Bankshot was not legal, because the game did not involve a predominance of player skill. American Amusements then redesigned Bankshot and again asked Littrell to assess its legality. Littrell recommended submitting Bankshot to a third-party testing facility, and suggested two such facilities: Eclipse Compliance Testing and Gaming Laboratories International. In late summer 2007, Eclipse Compliance Testing tested the device and issued a written report in October 2007 concluding that Bankshot was predominantly a game of skill and therefore was a legal device in Nebraska.

Around January 2008, Bankshot games were placed into service in Nebraska. As many as 430 Bankshot games were located in 143 different Nebraska cities. After the Bankshot games had been in place for approximately 1 year, American Amusements received notice from the Nebraska Department of Revenue that additional testing of Bankshot was necessary, and American Amusements agreed to provide a Bankshot device for the additional testing. But before it did so, the State seized two Bankshot devices and submitted the devices for testing at both Eclipse Compliance Testing and Gaming Laboratories International. In a letter dated April 14, 2009, the director of the Charitable Gaming Division stated that the purpose of this testing “was to obtain opinions on whether Bank[s]hot was primarily a game of chance, and therefore illegal, or primarily a game of skill.” The testing again concluded that Bankshot was primarily a game of skill and was thus legal in Nebraska. At least one of the Bankshot devices submitted for testing used the same version of software that was in use at the time of trial in this case.

In September 2009, the State seized two more Bankshot devices. At the time of trial, these devices had not been returned. On September 17, appellees filed this declaratory judgment action, naming as defendants the Nebraska Department of Revenue; the Nebraska State Patrol; Col. Bryan Tuma, the superintendent of the Nebraska State Patrol; Doug Ewald, the Nebraska Tax Commissioner; and Jon Bruning, the Nebraska Attorney General (collectively the State).


2019 – American Amusements helped stop LB722, which would have made almost all coin operated games illegal, except any common device as a smartphone or personal computer including any device designed and marketed solely for home entertainment when used privately and not for a fee. 20
21 (b) Any automatic teller machine operated in accordance with the
Nebraska Banking Act
American Amusements supported ln538, a tax and regulatory schema in place to present day.

2020 – American Amusements and Bankshot help stop LB1175, which would have imposed a 20% tax on gross money

2021 – American Amusements and Bankshot help stop Lb367, which would have imposed a 20% tax on net money in addition to all current taxes.
American Amusements filed a lawsuit ageist the Nebraska Department of Revenue case cI21-177. We were successful, and the Department was permanently enjoined for enforcing rule 104D (would have banned progressive jackpots) and 104C (banned games functionally or resembling games regulated by the department)

2023 – American Amusements and BankShot help stop LB685, which was designed to tax and regulate away all coin operated games out of existence in Nebraska.

2024 – American Amusements and BankShot help fight the over regulation of the industry contained with in LB685, we worked with the legislature for changes in the legislation although not to the extent we had hoped, concessions by all parties were made and Lb685-2024 was passed into law.
American Amusements and Bankshot worked against Lb 1310 and lb 388 which would have imposed an industry killing transaction tax.
The special section began a new proposed machine tax on all coin, with cash device tax as much as 55 %. American Amusements and BankShot fought against LB1, LB9, LB34 because they would hurt, not help, Nebraskans.

New! Banilla Skill Games for Nebraska

New! Banilla Skill Games for Nebraska 1254 711 GAD Vending

Banilla Games have some of the most creative, deep line of skill games approved for Nebraska. And, GAD has trained our sales and service staff to support Banilla games across Nebraska.

There are three Follow the Banana game groups available currently.

  • Skyriser
    • A NE favorite that features a colossal terminal and five new and unique games.
  • Nebraska Skill 1
    • GLI Certified and approved for Nebraska. “Prize Slider Skill” and “Follow the Banana” skill features.
  • Nebraska Skill 2
    • Approved for NE. Includes five games with the classic “Follow the Banana” feature.

Choose your screen type!

  • Dual
  • Single
  • Skyriser
  • Tall
  • Vertical

Banilla uses Nanoptix printers. And – GAD is an authorized service agent for Nanoptix. GAD can even be authorized to swap out printers to keep your equipment in peak operating condition.

Check out some of what’s available at Banilla.  

RePlay Magazine’s Company Profile – Greater America Distributing’s 40th Anniversary

RePlay Magazine’s Company Profile – Greater America Distributing’s 40th Anniversary 1536 2048 GAD Vending

40! Greater America Distributing Celebrates Four Decades!

(Reprint from RePlay Magazine, February 1, 2025) After a 23-year career in banking, Mike Dobel found something else to do. That something else, the coin-op games and vending venture Greater America Distributing (GAD), celebrated its 40th anniversary on Dec. 4, many of those years with a Dobel at the helm.

While Mike remains company chairman at age 72, he’s sold the business to his four children, two of whom – Christine Dobel (COO) and Andy Dobel (President) – are intimately involved in the day-to-day business today.

The elder Dobel purchased GAD in September 1996 after stepping aside from his banking career. A merger would have necessitated a move, and with his children aged 7-15 at the time, that’s not something he wanted to do.

Greater America Distributing's 40th Anniversary

Mike Dobel, chairman and proud papa, with his two “kids,” Andy and Christine.

“So, I took six months off and had done reasonably well in banking, so I had a little capital,” he explained. Through a broker, he came across Greater America Distributing, whose headquarters is in Omaha, Neb., where he was based. Steve Wolf, the original owner of Greater America, had bought a Rowe-Moss office in 1984 and started the Midwest distributorship. In his tenure, it also grew to an office in Des Moines, Iowa.

Having gotten insights about all types of businesses as a banker, Dobel saw a big opportunity with Greater America.

“That sounds like a fun business,” he recalled thinking. “And the business was under-capitalized. I saw a lot of upside opportunity financially.” He met with and interviewed the people who worked for the business (one is still with the company today, and many others stayed until retirement).

“I grew up in Missouri playing pinball,” he said. “It was actually illegal at the time – you had to be at least 16 to play. I can remember as a kid standing on a chair playing pinball at the bowling alley.”

Fast-forward decades, Dobel was working to bring his new coin-op distributorship into the 21st century.

With the Omaha and Des Moines offices, in the ’90s, Greater America’s business was 75% vending and 25% amusement. “Over time, that’s changed to where it’s the opposite now,” he explained.

In 2001, he had the opportunity to get into the Kansas City market, adding, “For a market like that to open up was a big deal at the time. Kansas City was a much bigger market. It really expanded our market in terms of opportunity on both the games and vending side.” Since then, they’ve had a brick and mortar location there in addition to their offices in Omaha and Des Moines.

From Dobel’s takeover in ’96, GAD has also been providing financing to customers, something he said really enhanced sales.

“Coming from banking, I set up relationships with a couple banks in Omaha and we started providing financing to our customers early on,” he said. “Bringing fresh capital to the business, we started carrying a lot more inventory.”

The company expanded its offerings and became aligned with more and more manufacturers. Dobel added: “What we’ve really built this on for the last 28 years is service to our customers. We have dedicated salespeople in all the offices, and dedicated technicians.”

Greater America's 40th

At Greater America’s 40th anniversary celebration are 10 of the 18 team members. Top row, from left, are: Bill Danylchuk, Andy Dobel, Hunter Kopp, Anita Kopp, Chris Wredt and Brett Zarger. On the bottom row are Noah Hale, Theresa Gonzalez, Christine Dobel and Sarah Sorensen.

A New Generation of Leadership

The brother-sister duo of Andy and Christine Dobel now runs Greater America. Andy has been active in the company for about four years and Christine for three.

Andy spent almost 17 years working for Union Pacific Railroad, out of Council Bluffs, Iowa. When his job was cut during Covid, he came into the family business and learned from the ground up, under the tutelage of Jerry Waldeck, a salesman and tech who’s been with the company since Day 1.

“He took Andy under his wing in terms of how the business runs, took a three-day trip to customers to introduce him,” Mike said. “I didn’t really ask Jerry to do this. He just did it. They were happy to teach him and show him the ropes.”

Christine previously worked on the administrative side of health care for a very large corporation for nearly 10 years. While successful in that, she was looking for a change and was pulled into GAD soon after she found out her brother was joining the company.

“It just felt so right,” she said, explaining the previous controller Regina Chambers was retiring after 30-plus years. “Both Andy’s role and my role have continued to evolve since then. My role evolved out of the controller role and into a more operational role. It has been an absolute joy and privilege to work with family.”

Andy detailed the company’s lineup of equipment, and there’s certainly plenty to serve to Midwest operators.

Greater America Distributing focuses on standard coin-op games like pinballs from American Pinball, Chicago Gaming Co., Jersey Jack Pinball and Stern Pinball. They work closely with Valley-Dynamo for billiards and air hockey, and with Arachnid for darts.

They’re an exclusive AMI jukebox distributor, and also have plenty of Golden Tee and Big Buck Hunter cabinets, plus a slate of Kalkomat boxers. With legalized gaming in Nebraska and Iowa, they also work with Banilla Games and American Amusements.

Greater America Distributing's 40th Anniversary

Among those at this 2000 GAD dinner while in D.C. for NAMA are Mike Dobel and wife Sue, Jim Hedblom and wife Cindy, Cass Nemmers, Joe Peterson, Jerry Waldeck and wife Theresa.


On the vending side, lines include AMS Vending, CPI, Vendo and Wittern; they’ve also been in the ATM business for about a decade.

Aside from all their great partners and products, Andy said their success is mainly due to customer relationships.

“Relationships are the reason we exist,” he said. “If you need something, you call us, and we answer the phone. That’s why people keep coming back.”

If a customer has a monitor go out on a game, for example, GAD will take one off a brand-new machine and get it to the customer as soon as possible. “Service is more than just repairing their machine – it’s taking care of them if at all possible. We have to continue to grow and provide that type of service in order to survive as one of the smaller distributors out there.

“Creating that relationship, trust and understanding is why people keep coming back doing business with us,” he noted, adding, “We also have great relationships with Shaffer and AVS. We help each other out when we can.”

They also aim to differentiate by being able to handle financing instead of leaving that up to third parties.

Greater America Distributing's 40th Anniversary

“The legend at work.” Jerry Waldeck works on a pinball machine. He’s been the sales and tech guy since even before Mike Dobel purchased Greater America.

“Doing what is right and fair has turned out to be typically a very good business decision we have found,” Christine remarked.

Most of her work is within the company itself. “I think we’ve made great progress in our internal systems and updates we are making to really set us up for a long and prosperous future. We’ve really been handed a strong foundation.”

Company-wide, Greater America Distributing has 18 employees. Many original employees have retired in the last 5-6 years, though many other long-timers remain. “We have some of the best people in the industry,” she said.

Mike Dobel reiterated what a great group he’s had over the years, and what a hardworking team is still there today, attributing most of the company’s success to the service they provide.

“Our success, ultimately, is predicated on having a good crew,” he said. “As a company, we really try to go that extra mile. It’s how we’ve built this. ‘Why would you do business with someone else?’ is an ideal we try and live up to – from the vending side to the games. We’re careful to provide quality service to the customers.”

With that, the Dobel family is planning for a long and prosperous future. Learn more about the company at

New! Skill Games for Nebraska Customers

New! Skill Games for Nebraska Customers 399 299 GAD Vending

New at GAD – Skill Games for Nebraska! 

GAD is proud to announce our newest product line offering skill games to our Nebraska based establishments.

As we are known for, we are offering the best in manufacturers to include Banilla, Bankshot and Trestle. These games have popular games, vertical and horizontal screen offerings and Nebraska theme games are available.


Banilla games are available in various skill games.

  • Nebraska Skill 1
  • Nebraska Skill 2
  • Skyriser Lighting Edition NE


BankShot is excited to be in the Nebraska market. There is a very deep offering available from BankShot and GAD has a rotating selection for you to see on our sales floor.

  • BBMG Approval #24-022
  • CCMG Approval #24-010
  • GRMG
  • IEMG
  • Bankshot Pick and Win FF5
  • Fishing Frenzy 6
  • BankShot Pow Pow
  • Panda All in One
  • Mr & Mrs


Trestle has a very deep offering of skill games for NE. To include coming game combinations of Big Red I and Big Red II.

Trestle is known for its product innovation and game consoles. Trestle offers both horizontal and vertical game machines to vary based on your floor space.

GAD Service

All these games are very reliable and GAD can service all these brands. However, the printers do need service. GAD has a contract to maintain and do advanced replacement swaps for Nanoptix printers that are contained in the Banilla games, for example.

Contact GAD for more information. These games are available right now in Nebraska only but we are working on other states.

Make it a Play Date for Valentine’s Day

Make it a Play Date for Valentine’s Day 940 788 GAD Vending

Looking for the perfect Valentine’s Day? Make it a play date!

If you haven’t gotten your own game for home, go play somewhere. There are lots of GAD customers in the Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas and Missouri area to play.

May we suggest these steps for the perfect play date:

  1. Go to either the Stern locator page or Pinside map to find the best places to play.
  2. Download the Stern Insider app to keep track of scores, earn badges, etc.
  3. Go to your favored location.
  4. Start with a round robin pinball game.
  5. Move on to darts.
  6. Try something different. Maybe pool or shuffleboard.
  7. Finish the evening with another round of pinball.

Have an amazing Valentine’s Day with your favorite date, family or friends.

GAD Making Cashless Check-out Easy

GAD Making Cashless Check-out Easy 750 520 GAD Vending

Self-checkout technology is at the forefront of rapid retail digitization, transforming the checkout experience for retailers and consumers alike. But for retailers aiming to stay a step ahead of the curve, adopting a customized self-checkout solution as opposed to a generic solution is not just innovative, but necessary. While implementing a self-checkout built specifically for your store may seem complex, GAD makes the entire process smooth and painless.

GAD is an authorized distributor of Crane Payment Innovations (CPI). As such, we have the training, knowledge and resources to build a complete solution designed for your needs.

Here’s our step-by-step guide on how GAD can build, install and service a self-checkout made specifically for your store – from start to finish.


Before prescribing, we diagnose. At GAD, we recognize that a generic turnkey solution is a disservice to your business’s unique and specific needs. The consultation phase is where we diverge from the one-size-fits-all mentality. Our method involves analyzing your specific retail operation and identifying the nuanced challenges and opportunities unique to your store. By dissecting your processes, customer interactions, and pain points, we custom-build a solution that not only integrates seamlessly with your existing operations but also resolves your distinct problems. This approach ensures that our self-checkout system doesn’t just fit – it functions as an extension of your brand’s commitment to customer service and operational efficiency.


Transforming the shopping experience begins with a blueprint that resonates with your brand and clientele. Our design phase is not a one-size-fits-all template; it’s a collaborative effort where your vision is meticulously etched, from layout to branding and beyond. We pride ourselves on a design process that embraces your business’ unique traits to create a bespoke checkout solution.

Customization is the cornerstone here; from touchscreen interfaces to varying levels of customer assistance, our self-checkout systems are tailored to integrate effortlessly within your environment. By aligning the solution with your retail ethos and operational mechanics, we ensure that customer satisfaction and ease of use are amplified.


The transition from design to live installation can be an anxious time, with concerns about disruption and downtime. Our experienced engineers and project managers skillfully execute installations with minimal disruption.

Quality assurance and thorough testing are integral to our process, ensuring functionality and stability before customer use. Our aim is to not only install a system but to establish a new era of operational efficiency you can rely on.

Training and Service

The effectiveness of a system relies on its operators. That’s why we’re committed to making sure each staff member has a full knowledge of how to operate your new checkout solution. Our immersive training, led by knowledgeable professionals, covers both technology and your retail needs.

But our commitment doesn’t stop there. Ongoing support and maintenance are the foundation of our customer experience. Our dedicated support team is ready to troubleshoot and guide your staff, ensuring consistent productivity and exceptional customer service.

Embracing the Future of Retail

Embarking on a journey to a custom self-checkout can be tricky, but GAD is here to guide you every step of the way. As retail automation gains momentum, we are dedicated to making things simple and achievable, and to making seamless experiences the norm.

GAD is more than just an automated checkout provider. We design seamless, stress-free systems deeply rooted in the retail landscape. From inception to operational excellence, our dedicated support ensures a smooth and effective transition to custom self-checkout.

Contact GAD at one of our offices – Omaha, Des Moines or Kansas City.

How to Plan a Happy Valentine’s Day

How to Plan a Happy Valentine’s Day 940 788 GAD Vending

How to have a happy Valentine’s Day? GAD can help you with that.

Imagine a Valentine’s gift surprise for your favorite people by adding a game that everyone will enjoy playing.


GAD has a large inventory of pinball titles, in stock, ready to deliver (limited geographic areas). Check out our inventory. 

These pinball games are new in box and carry the manufacture’s original warranty. Plus, GAD offers free phone support for all our customers backed with our huge inventory of parts. And, Stern Pinball offers Insider Connected included on their games.

Consider the floor space you want to put your game. You can check with us for measurements, and best way to get your pinball into your space – attic to basement. And, you want to plan space to give multiple players room to watch.

Think about alternate spaces to add a pinball game. How about the garage? Add a game under the stairs or finish the attic. Some people convert their dining room into a game room or use a spare bedroom to create a fun center.

GAD has all levels of games. GAD can help you determine what level of game may be right for you – we know the differences between an Pro, Premium and LE game. Stern even offers a series of home pinball games specifically designed a bit smaller for home use. In stock are:

  • Star Wars Home Movie Art
  • Star Wars Comic Art

Pinball game titles are a major consideration for you. Maybe it’s your favorite band like Iron Maiden or Foo Fighter. Could be your super hero like Venom, Avengers or Deadpool. Many buy pinball based on their choice of movies like Jaws, James Bond or John Wick. Or you are just a Dungeons and Dragons fan.

Some people just buy pinball because. Others do a lot of homework.

  • You can find lots of reviews and game play experts on the web or YouTube.
  • Go play at arcades prior to purchase. Pinside or Stern have great look up tools.
  • GAD also knows where games are in Nebraska, Iowa and around Kansas City.
  • GAD has games in our showrooms that you can come in and play. Ask us what’s on the floors.


Digital darts is a great way to get the family playing with the newest technologies applies to the timeless game of darts.

GAD has the newest Galaxy 3 Fire and Galaxy 3 Plus with 24 inch monitor in stock. And, the newly released Galaxy 3 Ice with 24 inch monitor.

GAD has dart boards in our show rooms so you can come and test out the functionality before picking yours up!

Darts is an easy addition to a home. You don’t need much floor space for the game – you just need air space for the darts!


This is not just a game, it’s lots of games in one box.

Choose from upright or cocktail table styles. These games take little floorspace but pack a large punch on how many games you can play.

Just a few of the classic games –

  • Pac Man
  • Ms. Pac Man
  • Frogger
  • Asteriods
  • Donkey Kong
  • Mario Bros.
  • Space Invaders
  • Galaga
  • Pong
  • And so many more…


Golden Tee PGA is available, in stock, at GAD. Choose from the home edition or commercial edition (we can help you figure out what you need and why).

Golden Tee PGA is new in the box with original factory warranty. All Golden Tee games have internet access to allow for score keeping and updating the courses, avatars and gear as it comes available.

Just imagine any of these games delivered to your home to surprise and amaze your Valentine! This will cover many, many date nights, family game nights or half time fun.

GAD Knows Games


Star Wars Comic Art Home Edition – In stock

Star Wars Comic Art Home Edition – In stock 906 512 GAD Vending

Star Wars Comic Art Home Edition is Affordable, Fun and Fabulous!

Based upon the highly successful Star Wars™ Original Consumer Home Edition™, Stern’s Star Wars™ Comic Art Home Edition™ celebrates the iconic comic artwork from the Star Wars galaxy. Star Wars™ Comic Art Home Edition™ immerses players in the dynamic Star Wars™ universe. The Home Edition™ is packed with features that provide players with an irresistible game experience including select speech and footage from the original Star Wars™ trilogy, color-changing playfield inserts, a custom sculpted Death Star, and a custom sculpted and interactive TIE fighter. Star Wars™ Comic Art Home Edition™ pinball machines feature the artwork of famed comic artist, Randy Martinez. Randy has been illustrating for over 30 years receiving countless accolades for his work. Randy has been creating cartoons, caricatures, illustrations, paintings, and 3D art for Lucasfilm since 1999.

The easy to setup Star Wars™ Comic Art Home Edition™ is built to last and engineered with genuine Stern commercial-quality parts. The playfield is housed in a stylish cabinet with dynamic, high definition artwork. The all-LED playfield lighting provides optimal color and brilliant light shows!

Bring the arcade experience into your home today with the Star Wars™ Comic Art Home Edition™ by Stern Pinball! Available now at GAD to make your home game room the envy of the galaxy. 

Updating Retail: Self Check-out Solutions

Updating Retail: Self Check-out Solutions 750 520 GAD Vending

In the fast-paced world of retail, staying ahead means you need to be innovative. And when innovation means convenience, the self-checkout trend stands out as a game-changer. For retailers embracing this wave, implementing a seamless self-checkout system isn’t just about keeping up—it’s about leading the charge in a fiercely competitive industry.

However, navigating the self-checkout landscape is no easy feat. From choosing the right solution to deploying it across stores, it requires precision, foresight, and careful planning. This article aims to provide guidance for retailers embarking on this self-checkout journey. For further professional assistance, GAD sales reps are experts in cashless technology solutions.

The Evaluation Phase: Identifying the Need and Setting Expectations

Why choose self-checkout?

Before getting into terminals and technologies, retailers need to assess their store’s needs and conditions to ensure that self-checkout is a practical solution. For stores that see a high volume of customers, experience long waits and struggle with labor shortages, self-checkout is often a reliable solution for these issues.

Infrastructure and compatibility assessment

Retailers have various existing technologies such as POS systems, and any new self-checkout solution should seamlessly integrate with this ecosystem. Cross-functional teams, including IT, operations, and logistics professionals, should thoroughly assess the current infrastructure to identify potential compatibility issues early on.

Research and Vendor Selection: Finding the Perfect Fit

Market Exploration

With numerous options available in the self-checkout market, it’s crucial for retailers to conduct thorough research. Focus on systems that align with your unique customer base.

Comparative Analysis

When evaluating shortlisted self-checkout systems, prioritize objective criteria tailored to your retail environment. Make sure that the system you choose has features that work for your business’ needs.

Reputation and Customer Support

Remember, a vendor is more than just its product. Look for a provider with a strong reputation for excellent post-purchase customer support like Crane Payment Innovations.

Planning and Integration: Charting the Course

  • Set Clear Goals: Start with the end in mind. What does success look like for your self-checkout implementation? Cost savings? Improved customer satisfaction? Speedy transactions? Ensure your goals align with customer and corporate objectives.
  • Budget and Deadlines: A project without boundaries is bound to fail. Create a solid plan that includes financial and time constraints.
  • Synergy Amongst Teams: Integration is an art. Every component, whether it’s technology, human resources, or store design, must work together seamlessly. This requires a balance between strategic planning and operational details.

Testing and Piloting: Ensuring Feasibility

  • Trial Runs: Simulating the self-checkout experience helps identify potential issues before customer rollout.
  • Continuous Improvement: Gather user feedback and refine the checkout experience based on customer needs.
  • POS Harmony: Ensure flawless integration with Point of Sale (POS) systems to avoid disruptions.

Deployment and Training: Rolling Out the Red Carpet

  • Across Channels: Phased deployment across different store formats allows for refining the customer experience.
  • Education for All: Comprehensive training programs for employees and customers are crucial to ensure that everyone has at least a base of familiarity with the solution.
  • Continuous Learning Culture: Adopt a continuous learning approach to keep up with evolving technology and customer behaviors.

By following these phases, retailers can gear up to offer patrons the efficiency and control that defines modern shopping experiences. Self-checkout is more than a cost-saving technology; it’s a commitment to evolving with the needs and wants of your customers, reflecting the innovative character that underlies your retail brand.

CPI Provides Best-In-Class Self-Checkout Solutions

Successful checkout technologies begin with exceptional payment technologies. That’s why we design the industry’s most sophisticated, seamless and secure cash handling devices. With decades of technical experience and strategic partnerships, Crane Payment Innovations is the only provider with the expertise to manage transactions and keep cash secure, making us the natural starting point for checkout technology.

No matter the application, we can create a completely flexible self-checkout solution built to a retailer’s exact needs, with cash options to ensure an enhanced customer experience. To ensure that our machines stay up and running, our in-house service network of highly trained technicians are there to make sure that your investment is protected and runs smoothly.

Stern’s New Dungeons & Dragons: The Tyran’t Eye is a Hit!

Stern’s New Dungeons & Dragons: The Tyran’t Eye is a Hit! 531 520 GAD Vending


(Stern Pinball) In celebration of 50 years of the World’s Greatest Roleplaying Game, Stern Pinball players worldwide will be brought on an epic and thrilling journey as they adventure into the forgotten realms, featuring iconic enemies, including a red dragon, gelatinous cube, mimic, Sammaster the lich, Xanathar the beholder, an owlbear, and locations including those in Faerûn such as Arabel and Westgate. DUNGEONS & DRAGONS: The Tyrant’s Eye pinball games are available in Pro, Premium, and Limited Edition (LE) models and feature artwork by prolific artist Vincent Proce, music from world-renowned composer Cris Velasco, and voiced by a talented cast including Michael Dorn, Kevin Smith, Luke Gygax, Chris Prynoski, Brendon Small, Gerard Way, Matthew Mercer, Laura Bailey, Marisha Ray, Anthony Carboni, and Mica Burton.

In Stern’s DUNGEONS & DRAGONS: The Tyrant’s Eye pinball games, players are chosen members of the Dragonshield Guild, trying to defeat the dragon queen Tiamat, who is hatching a plan to rise again, triggering the War of Dragons, with Xanathar, Balinor and Sammaster all fighting for power. Players will experience the game’s fantasy world under the glass, fusing pinball with the iconic franchise like never before.

Battle Rath the Relentless, the red dragon, the most advanced animatronic mech in pinball, intelligently reacts to player action with multi-axis motion and features omnidirectional impact sensing technology. Voiced by the iconic Michael Dorn, players will attempt to defeat Rath the Relentless with pinballs and by hitting the 3-bank target, steal its treasure. When Rath the Relentless breathes his magnificent fire, multiple pinballs shoot from its mouth but be prepared. Players can activate a metal shield between the flippers to not only defend against attacks but also assist with playfield shots.

Enjoy mysterious and exciting features by navigating through hidden passageways, experience an electromagnet-powered gelatinous cube that freezes the pinball, and explore dynamic dungeon levels that are accessed through a disappearing playfield trap door. Other features include Fizmo’s store that allows players to acquire unique items, a treasure chest that unleashes mimic monsters, and more secrets to uncover.

Roll the dice with randomness as players unlock where shots and choices control the path of the game’s campaign, driving toward different story endings. Each path is different for players, spanning from characters to trinkets to weekly items and more; once the game campaign has concluded, additional characters will be unlocked.

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS: The Tyrant’s Eye is in a beautiful package with Stern’s ever-expanding Insider Connected™ platform, which enables players to interact with the game and a global network of players in multiple ways, including ongoing code updates from Stern Pinball to extend and improve the experience over time. Through Insider Connected, players can choose to pick up where they left off with Stern’s new PinSave System, including character experience points, inventory items, and game campaign progress. For a more traditional pinball experience, players can start each game without saved progress. Players can also play cooperatively, sharing game progress together along their pinball adventure. Registration for Insider Connected is available at or in the Insider Connected App. Download it today on iOS and Android.

To honor the original release of DUNGEONS & DRAGONS (D&D) from 1974, the Limited Edition model will be limited to 740 games globally. This highly collectible model includes the Speaker Expression Lighting System with D&D-themed game effects, a full-color Dragon-inspired mirrored backglass, full-color reflective foil Tiamat and Xanathar high-definition cabinet decals with hand-drawn artwork by Vincent Proce, exclusive custom D&D “Dragon Red” powder-coated pinball armor, a custom designer-autographed bottom arch, upgraded audio system, anti-reflection pinball playfield glass, shaker motor, a sequentially numbered plaque, a signed Certificate of Authenticity, and a digital Insider Connected LE owner’s badge on registration.

“We’re so excited for players to experience one of the most iconic and beloved franchises that is perfect for pinball,” said Seth Davis, President and CEO of Stern Pinball, Inc. “Get ready to roll through a D&D adventure like never before.”

MSRP $6,999