Tell the Boss to Replace the (Gross) Common Office Coffee Station

Tell the Boss to Replace the (Gross) Common Office Coffee Station

Tell the Boss to Replace the (Gross) Common Office Coffee Station 642 410 GAD Vending

Common coffee stations – with all the pots and condiments – is a single germy touch point of employees all day. Fix your break room with an easy and popular fix – get a Crane VOCE Media coffee vending machine.


Perception meets reality. From the moment when a made-to-order selection is made, to choosing the most convenient method of touchless payment, to the interactive messaging, to the delivery of a delicious finished drink. VOCE Media delivers a positive employee experience.

VOCE Media serves barista style specialty beverages that broaden appeal to everyone in the office, all day long. Using the same brewing process and equipment as popular coffee houses, the VOCE Media finished drink profile mirrors all of the important attributes of consistency, taste, aroma, color and appearance. The Crane VOCE Media drink machines can be loaded with premium coffee beans that are ground for each cup. Treat your employees to a better coffee.


Hot beverages are an essential part of our office life. Providing refreshment, enjoyment and comfort. Coffee and tea wake us up, stimulate good conversation and fulfill our occasional desire for indulgence with a wonderful hot chocolate. It’s a very personal process and that’s why the VOCE Media ATM user interface puts the end user in control. People create their favorite by determining the drink, strength of coffee, the amount of sugar or creamer – and receive a personal PIN for reordering.

Looking at everything in the office to create a COVID free environment? Get rid of the manual pod machine. No more coffee pots that someone has to fill, clean and sanitize. And, you can get rid of all the common condiments – gone is the old creamers, sugar and powdered drink mixes. Gone is sanitizing the common break room counter between every cup of coffee from the pot. Gone is morning coffee runs out of the office.

GAD Vending sells Crane VOCE Media hot beverage vending machines in Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri and Iowa. Call us to try a cup from a Crane VOCE Media vending machine.