Looking for Digital Music? GAD Has The Solutions for You

Looking for Digital Music? GAD Has The Solutions for You

Looking for Digital Music? GAD Has The Solutions for You 531 354 GAD Vending

AMI Co Pilot Owner App

GAD recommends the AMI Co Pilot app for our digital music venues. What can the AMI Co Pilot app do for you?

  • Check digital music revenue
  • Remote control your venue’s digital delivery systems (TV’s and sound system)
  • Program different types of music based on day parts
  • Reject songs (ie reject for offensive language in a family establishment)
  • Control bumper music when a live band comes on/takes a break
  • AMI Ad Manager Tools

Learn more and download the app at AMI. 

AMI User Music App

Make your customers’ user experience immersive! You and your patrons can control the music, vibe and playlists. This can change through the evening and is a great way to add a revenue channel to your bar, restaurant, store or arcade.

Users get ease of pay, a wide music/music video selection and AMI helps promote use through user contests and promotions. Here’s how:

  • Easy for users to pay for music – credit card, PayPal or Apple Pay.
  • A wide library of music and music videos makes this app a winner.
  • You, as the AMI owner, can limit the song selections or change the popular list.
  • AMI offers bonuses on users music purchases. Promotes user contests. And allows users to personalize their AMI experience.

Learn more and download the AMI Music App here. 

If you have questions if AMI digital music and jukeboxes are right for you, and you are located in Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri and Kansas, call GAD for customer service. GAD knows music.