The Easy Way to Pay and Play Your Favorite Music

The Easy Way to Pay and Play Your Favorite Music

The Easy Way to Pay and Play Your Favorite Music 1229 644 GAD Vending

AMI digital music systems make paying and playing your favorite music selections easy – and profitable.

AMI makes it easy for everyone.

You, as the venue owner, get reports of what you played and what your patrons paid to play. Making ASCAP compliance easy. Plus, you know what that revenue channel generated for you.

With over 2.5 million downloads, the AMI Music app offers a cool, convenient, and easy way to play music on a nearby AMI jukebox for your patrons. They simply create an account, add funds for credits using a credit card, Apple Pay, or PayPal, select your current venue, and choose the songs or music videos they want to hear played. With the Multi-Select option, they can even add several songs or entire playlists to the jukebox queue in one transaction.

GAD stocks both new and previously enjoyed AMI digital jukeboxes. We can talk you through what your venue needs, what you are looking to do as the owner and what models are best for you.