Exciting Announcements – Pinball on the way to GAD

Exciting Announcements – Pinball on the way to GAD

Exciting Announcements – Pinball on the way to GAD 410 400 GAD Vending

At GAD we stock pinball games. And so many new titles, levels and various manufacturers – the inbound pinball orders are crazy! Much of what we have coming inbound is already presold. Don’t let that stop you from calling! We have lots on order and can always check with out factory’s’ for dates of production.

At GAD we give you an inclusive quote for any game. This will include the cost of the game, shipping, delivery (or pick up at one of our docks), sales tax and any other extras you need. GAD is expert in payment systems and add-ons for pinball games.

GAD claim to fame is being a quality distributor of games, has an expert service department and a wide stock of parts. While we spend most of our time with commercial customers, our home gamers appreciate the professionalism and knowledge GAD brings to home game rooms.

Here’s just a few of what we have and what’s coming: 

  • Stern  –
    • Led Zeppelin Pro – due in Aug
    • Led Zeppelin Premium – in stock
    • Avengers Pro (Premium all pre-sold) – due in Aug
    • TMNT Premium and Pro – due in Aug
    • Iron Maiden Premium and Pro – due in Aug
    • Guardians of the Galaxy Pro – due in Aug
    • Star Wars Pro and Premium – due in Aug
    • Mandalorian order for August is sold out but more LE, Premium and Pro are in production.
  • Jersey Jack
    • Guns ‘N Roses LE due soon.
  • American
    • Houdini is in stock
    • Hot Wheels and Oktoberfest are coming soon.