How Can You Save on Digital Music?
AMI Digital Music Mini 3, Atom and Curves all have promotions still available during 1Q2025. And, GAD has this amazing selection in stock and ready to change your bar, restaurant, arcade or retail shop.
All of the AMI collection has management tools to help you comply with ASCAP rules and regulations. Plus, during slower times, you can program music that doesn’t cost you while leaving your budget for busy times when you want to play the newest hits and videos. Your AMI digital system will track all that so reporting is a click rather than a major chore.
Deliver to your patrons the best music, music videos and games – all with the faster Windows 10 software.
How Can You Drive More Business?
AMI Ad Manager is a promotional tool that transforms your AMI products into powerful digital signage systems. It’s a great tool for businesses looking to promote their services, daily specials, or upcoming events.
You can create, edit, and schedule ads from the palm of your hand using AMI’s all-new Co-Pilot app or from your computer.
- Preset specials, like Reverse Happy Hour, so you can keep people just a bit longer at your place.
- Use the game features to create entertainment for slow nights that people will come to play.
- Use AMI graphics or create your own (brand to your place or to a favorite sports team) to display across all your screens.
- Promote upcoming events to create the buzz you are looking for.
40! Greater America Distributing Celebrates Four Decades!
(Reprint from RePlay Magazine, February 1, 2025) After a 23-year career in banking, Mike Dobel found something else to do. That something else, the coin-op games and vending venture Greater America Distributing (GAD), celebrated its 40th anniversary on Dec. 4, many of those years with a Dobel at the helm.
While Mike remains company chairman at age 72, he’s sold the business to his four children, two of whom – Christine Dobel (COO) and Andy Dobel (President) – are intimately involved in the day-to-day business today.
The elder Dobel purchased GAD in September 1996 after stepping aside from his banking career. A merger would have necessitated a move, and with his children aged 7-15 at the time, that’s not something he wanted to do.

Mike Dobel, chairman and proud papa, with his two “kids,” Andy and Christine.
“So, I took six months off and had done reasonably well in banking, so I had a little capital,” he explained. Through a broker, he came across Greater America Distributing, whose headquarters is in Omaha, Neb., where he was based. Steve Wolf, the original owner of Greater America, had bought a Rowe-Moss office in 1984 and started the Midwest distributorship. In his tenure, it also grew to an office in Des Moines, Iowa.
Having gotten insights about all types of businesses as a banker, Dobel saw a big opportunity with Greater America.
“That sounds like a fun business,” he recalled thinking. “And the business was under-capitalized. I saw a lot of upside opportunity financially.” He met with and interviewed the people who worked for the business (one is still with the company today, and many others stayed until retirement).
“I grew up in Missouri playing pinball,” he said. “It was actually illegal at the time – you had to be at least 16 to play. I can remember as a kid standing on a chair playing pinball at the bowling alley.”
Fast-forward decades, Dobel was working to bring his new coin-op distributorship into the 21st century.
With the Omaha and Des Moines offices, in the ’90s, Greater America’s business was 75% vending and 25% amusement. “Over time, that’s changed to where it’s the opposite now,” he explained.
In 2001, he had the opportunity to get into the Kansas City market, adding, “For a market like that to open up was a big deal at the time. Kansas City was a much bigger market. It really expanded our market in terms of opportunity on both the games and vending side.” Since then, they’ve had a brick and mortar location there in addition to their offices in Omaha and Des Moines.
From Dobel’s takeover in ’96, GAD has also been providing financing to customers, something he said really enhanced sales.
“Coming from banking, I set up relationships with a couple banks in Omaha and we started providing financing to our customers early on,” he said. “Bringing fresh capital to the business, we started carrying a lot more inventory.”
The company expanded its offerings and became aligned with more and more manufacturers. Dobel added: “What we’ve really built this on for the last 28 years is service to our customers. We have dedicated salespeople in all the offices, and dedicated technicians.”

At Greater America’s 40th anniversary celebration are 10 of the 18 team members. Top row, from left, are: Bill Danylchuk, Andy Dobel, Hunter Kopp, Anita Kopp, Chris Wredt and Brett Zarger. On the bottom row are Noah Hale, Theresa Gonzalez, Christine Dobel and Sarah Sorensen.
A New Generation of Leadership
The brother-sister duo of Andy and Christine Dobel now runs Greater America. Andy has been active in the company for about four years and Christine for three.
Andy spent almost 17 years working for Union Pacific Railroad, out of Council Bluffs, Iowa. When his job was cut during Covid, he came into the family business and learned from the ground up, under the tutelage of Jerry Waldeck, a salesman and tech who’s been with the company since Day 1.
“He took Andy under his wing in terms of how the business runs, took a three-day trip to customers to introduce him,” Mike said. “I didn’t really ask Jerry to do this. He just did it. They were happy to teach him and show him the ropes.”
Christine previously worked on the administrative side of health care for a very large corporation for nearly 10 years. While successful in that, she was looking for a change and was pulled into GAD soon after she found out her brother was joining the company.
“It just felt so right,” she said, explaining the previous controller Regina Chambers was retiring after 30-plus years. “Both Andy’s role and my role have continued to evolve since then. My role evolved out of the controller role and into a more operational role. It has been an absolute joy and privilege to work with family.”
Andy detailed the company’s lineup of equipment, and there’s certainly plenty to serve to Midwest operators.
Greater America Distributing focuses on standard coin-op games like pinballs from American Pinball, Chicago Gaming Co., Jersey Jack Pinball and Stern Pinball. They work closely with Valley-Dynamo for billiards and air hockey, and with Arachnid for darts.
They’re an exclusive AMI jukebox distributor, and also have plenty of Golden Tee and Big Buck Hunter cabinets, plus a slate of Kalkomat boxers. With legalized gaming in Nebraska and Iowa, they also work with Banilla Games and American Amusements.

Among those at this 2000 GAD dinner while in D.C. for NAMA are Mike Dobel and wife Sue, Jim Hedblom and wife Cindy, Cass Nemmers, Joe Peterson, Jerry Waldeck and wife Theresa.
On the vending side, lines include AMS Vending, CPI, Vendo and Wittern; they’ve also been in the ATM business for about a decade.
Aside from all their great partners and products, Andy said their success is mainly due to customer relationships.
“Relationships are the reason we exist,” he said. “If you need something, you call us, and we answer the phone. That’s why people keep coming back.”
If a customer has a monitor go out on a game, for example, GAD will take one off a brand-new machine and get it to the customer as soon as possible. “Service is more than just repairing their machine – it’s taking care of them if at all possible. We have to continue to grow and provide that type of service in order to survive as one of the smaller distributors out there.
“Creating that relationship, trust and understanding is why people keep coming back doing business with us,” he noted, adding, “We also have great relationships with Shaffer and AVS. We help each other out when we can.”
They also aim to differentiate by being able to handle financing instead of leaving that up to third parties.

“The legend at work.” Jerry Waldeck works on a pinball machine. He’s been the sales and tech guy since even before Mike Dobel purchased Greater America.
“Doing what is right and fair has turned out to be typically a very good business decision we have found,” Christine remarked.
Most of her work is within the company itself. “I think we’ve made great progress in our internal systems and updates we are making to really set us up for a long and prosperous future. We’ve really been handed a strong foundation.”
Company-wide, Greater America Distributing has 18 employees. Many original employees have retired in the last 5-6 years, though many other long-timers remain. “We have some of the best people in the industry,” she said.
Mike Dobel reiterated what a great group he’s had over the years, and what a hardworking team is still there today, attributing most of the company’s success to the service they provide.
“Our success, ultimately, is predicated on having a good crew,” he said. “As a company, we really try to go that extra mile. It’s how we’ve built this. ‘Why would you do business with someone else?’ is an ideal we try and live up to – from the vending side to the games. We’re careful to provide quality service to the customers.”
With that, the Dobel family is planning for a long and prosperous future. Learn more about the company at
GAD offices will be closed a half day 12/24 and all day 12/25. There will be limited staff in the rest of this week.
GAD offices will also be closed a half day 12/31 and all day 1/1/2025. There will again be limited staff the rest of the week.
If you are a commercial client, you should have an emergency contact with your GAD rep. Please contact them for additional support needs.
Have very special holiday weeks enjoying play time with family and friends.
GAD offices will be closed for Thanksgiving Thursday and the weekend.
Our staff enjoys a good, long holiday weekend with lots of food, pinball, games and football. Hope you enjoy your time together too.
Have a very happy Thanksgiving weekend.
A big thank you to those family, friends, staff and customers that served our country.
Longest running Pinball Show!
Hundred of pinball machines set for free play. Pay on price to play all day.
This is an amazing show of all the premier pinball games available today. See Stern, American Pinball, Jersey Jack and Chicago Gaming. Games that GAD has in stock are available for you to play in one place to help you with your purchase of a favorite game.
This show is a massive 100,000 square feet of show floor plus tours and events to enjoy.
The Uncanny X-Men:
To me, my X-Men! Check out all of the latest news on Stern’s latest and greatest game, The Uncanny X-Men. Stay tuned for upcoming details on the official Stern Army Launch Parties taking place in locations all over the world.
Insider Connected:
For all of October, log in and play any Insider Connected JAWS pinball machine to see where your score stands amongst the rest of the world on this special month-long Global Leaderboard.
Play at home or on location anywhere in the world to climb the ranks, follow the action, and see who’ll emerge victorious.
Courtesy of the IFPA and Stern Army, (4) random participants of this Global Leaderboard will win prizes!
Follow the leaderboard action on the Insider Connected App!
Did you take advantage of Stern’s Shark Week with Insider Connected? Regardless, it’s always fun to watch Karl DeAngelo destroy things as he puts up his personal best JAWS: The Revenge Challenge Mode game. Also check out a fun interview with lead game designer Keith Elwin with Joel on the Flip N Out With Friends stream!
GAD offices will be closed on Monday, September 2, 2024 to observe Labor Day.
Doesn’t that just mean a great day to play pinball? Maybe some Golden Tee PGA?
Enjoy your Labor Day.
Coming October 15 – 19 in Chicago, this is the premier pinball event of the year!
Open to the public (did we say ROAD TRIP)….
Event highlights:
Tuesday, October 15:
Chicago Gaming Factory Tour & Galloping Ghost Arcade (lunch served)
Wednesday, October 16:
Logan Arcade, American Pinball Factory Tour & Enterrium (lunch served)
Thursday, October 17:
Jersey Jack Pinball Factory Tour & Seminars
Event Hall Open 12:00 Noon – Midnight
Friday, October 18:
Stern Pinball Factory Tour & Seminars
Event Hall Open 10:00 am – Midnight
Saturday, October 19:
Seminars, Autograph Session, Live Music
Event Hall Open 10:00 am – 2:00 am
Although there was a 1948 United Baby Face pinball machine in his basement, it was during the annual family vacation to visit his aunt in Florida when a very young Rob Berk became completely captivated by the wonders of the silver ball. As Berk remembers, “My dad, for whatever reason, always made it a point to take the kids to the arcade. I guess he liked pinball, so it was his way of introducing me to it. And it became our ritual. In fact, there was a bookstore called Alfies on Alton Road in Miami Beach that had two pinball games and we would just play for hours.” The connection and fascination intensified when Berk’s father added a D. Gottlieb Texan, manufactured in 1960 and the last 4-player wood rail game from the company, to the family basement.
Rob Berk’s life was to completely change when he started college at Kent State University in 1972 and discovered as he recalls, “…a room full of pinball machines as far as your eye could see, and that really got me going to the point where I decided I wanted to collect pinball machines from the 1960s.” The first game he purchased was a 1969 Williams Post Time, which also triggered his love affair for add-a-ball pinball machines. His collection has grown to over 1,000 pinball machines, spanning all eras, with his personal favorite electro-mechanical game still being that very first Post Time and for more modern machines, he counts Williams’ Medieval Madness at the top of the list.
It was this ardent passion for pinball that drew Berk into an entirely different enterprise that has endured far beyond his initial plan. With pinball all around him and reading books on the subject as well as joining a club of collectors who would get together once a month to play games, Berk had a thought that would not only change his life, but also change the fortunes of pinball for more than thirty years and counting.
Berk had an idea as he expressed, “I was such a pinball enthusiast, playing as much as I could and reading about the history of the machines and industry. In doing this I learned the names of the artists and designers responsible for the games and realized they were bringing me a great amount of happiness through what they were creating. And I thought wouldn’t it be something special to recognize them and pay tribute to them.” And so it was that Pinball Expo was born over the November 22nd-24th weekend in Chicago in 1985.
For the first time, there was an exposition dedicated to celebrating individuals, many of whom were around when pinball was starting out during the height of the Great Depression in the early 1930s. This exposition allowed collectors, enthusiasts, and hobbyists to show their appreciation. Berk established a program of seminars featuring such legendary individuals as Alvin Gottlieb, Steve Kordek, Norm Clark, Wayne Neyens—men who had shaped an industry. There were exhibits of old and new machines, parts, and a banquet to top off a weekend pinball lovin’.
This first Pinball Expo was an overwhelming success and what Rob Berk and his associates thought was going to be just a one-time affair, has endured and continued to thrive for years. Recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the longest running pinball exposition in the world, the Pinball Expo continues its tradition of paying homage to the wonders of pinball past, present and a peak into the future.
Beginning in 2021 the Pinball Expo was staged at the Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center in Schaumburg, Illinois. The festivities included a tour of the Stern Pinball factory, a full schedule of speakers and seminars, pinball tournaments, a vendor hall to find anything and everything imaginable for the pinball curious, and a host of other activities that, once again, brought the best of what pinball means to so many. For more information, please contact Rob Berk at ([email protected] or [email protected]); call 330-716-3139. Or contact us here.