Posts By :

Sally Cohen

GAD: We Solve More

GAD: We Solve More 988 694 GAD Vending

At GAD, we are fortunate to have developed an long time distributorship with Crane CPI Solutions.

Here is just a few of solutions we have:


From the standard configurations of sodas and candy to unique solutions for schools, airports and hospitals – GAD has vendor route clients that service businesses in Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, Kansas and Missouri.

GAD has a large parts department as well that can provide customers the right parts to keep vending machines operating at best capability.


GAD has Crane CPI cash and cashless payment devices to make your customers lives faster and easier with self service. As our population becomes more and more digital, customers are also becoming more self sufficient. GAD helps you accomplish this with quality equipment and exceptional support.


Who doesn’t love a fresh ground cup of coffee? Crane CPI coffee machines are next level with the options afforded to you. Let us bring you a cup.


GAD can add cashless acceptors in all types of equipment. From vending machines to pinball, the newest cashless payment acceptors are available at GAD.

Money Changers

Need to change money efficiently? GAD can help with that.

Ask GAD for help solving your problems. We have equipment that can reduce employee hours, mitigate theft and increase revenue streams.

Stern Tech School: Learn How…

Stern Tech School: Learn How… 940 788 GAD Vending

GAD offers full service support to our customers. Some areas, we have actual, real (wonderful people!) service techs that can come out and fix for you. Depending on your issue and warranty will depend on your costs. In other areas, we offer full phone support. Or, you are welcome to come to our office and we can walk you through how to fix your issue. The good news is – GAD knows you like to fix it yourself.

GAD has a large stock of parts – just under 100,000 parts in stock in our various warehouses. And – if we don’t have it, we have the back-up of fully stocked manufacturers. We ship parts daily to customers looking to fix their machines from pinball and arcade games to vending machines.

Also, Stern has started a new YouTube series called Stern Tech School. Go to YouTube’s channel and take a look if your service issue is already out there.

Pinball Expo is Coming to Chicago

Pinball Expo is Coming to Chicago 449 365 GAD Vending

Coming October 15 – 19 in Chicago, this is the premier pinball event of the year!

Open to the public (did we say ROAD TRIP)….

Event highlights:

Tuesday, October 15:
Chicago Gaming Factory Tour & Galloping Ghost Arcade (lunch served)
Wednesday, October 16:
Logan Arcade, American Pinball Factory Tour & Enterrium (lunch served)
Thursday, October 17:
Jersey Jack Pinball Factory Tour & Seminars
Event Hall Open 12:00 Noon – Midnight
Friday, October 18:
Stern Pinball Factory Tour & Seminars
Event Hall Open 10:00 am – Midnight
Saturday, October 19:
Seminars, Autograph Session, Live Music
Event Hall Open 10:00 am – 2:00 am


Although there was a 1948 United Baby Face pinball machine in his basement, it was during the annual family vacation to visit his aunt in Florida when a very young Rob Berk became completely captivated by the wonders of the silver ball. As Berk remembers, “My dad, for whatever reason, always made it a point to take the kids to the arcade. I guess he liked pinball, so it was his way of introducing me to it. And it became our ritual. In fact, there was a bookstore called Alfies on Alton Road in Miami Beach that had two pinball games and we would just play for hours.” The connection and fascination intensified when Berk’s father added a D. Gottlieb Texan, manufactured in 1960 and the last 4-player wood rail game from the company, to the family basement.

Rob Berk’s life was to completely change when he started college at Kent State University in 1972 and discovered as he recalls, “…a room full of pinball machines as far as your eye could see, and that really got me going to the point where I decided I wanted to collect pinball machines from the 1960s.” The first game he purchased was a 1969 Williams Post Time, which also triggered his love affair for add-a-ball pinball machines. His collection has grown to over 1,000 pinball machines, spanning all eras, with his personal favorite electro-mechanical game still being that very first Post Time and for more modern machines, he counts Williams’ Medieval Madness at the top of the list.

It was this ardent passion for pinball that drew Berk into an entirely different enterprise that has endured far beyond his initial plan. With pinball all around him and reading books on the subject as well as joining a club of collectors who would get together once a month to play games, Berk had a thought that would not only change his life, but also change the fortunes of pinball for more than thirty years and counting.

Berk had an idea as he expressed, “I was such a pinball enthusiast, playing as much as I could and reading about the history of the machines and industry. In doing this I learned the names of the artists and designers responsible for the games and realized they were bringing me a great amount of happiness through what they were creating. And I thought wouldn’t it be something special to recognize them and pay tribute to them.” And so it was that Pinball Expo was born over the November 22nd-24th weekend in Chicago in 1985.

For the first time, there was an exposition dedicated to celebrating individuals, many of whom were around when pinball was starting out during the height of the Great Depression in the early 1930s. This exposition allowed collectors, enthusiasts, and hobbyists to show their appreciation. Berk established a program of seminars featuring such legendary individuals as Alvin Gottlieb, Steve Kordek, Norm Clark, Wayne Neyens—men who had shaped an industry. There were exhibits of old and new machines, parts, and a banquet to top off a weekend pinball lovin’.

This first Pinball Expo was an overwhelming success and what Rob Berk and his associates thought was going to be just a one-time affair, has endured and continued to thrive for years. Recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the longest running pinball exposition in the world, the Pinball Expo continues its tradition of paying homage to the wonders of pinball past, present and a peak into the future.

Beginning in 2021 the Pinball Expo was staged at the Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center in Schaumburg, Illinois. The festivities included a tour of the Stern Pinball factory, a full schedule of speakers and seminars, pinball tournaments, a vendor hall to find anything and everything imaginable for the pinball curious, and a host of other activities that, once again, brought the best of what pinball means to so many. For more information, please contact Rob Berk at ([email protected] or [email protected]); call 330-716-3139. Or contact us here.

How to find the PERFECT Self Checkout Solution

How to find the PERFECT Self Checkout Solution 620 421 GAD Vending

(Crane CPI Vending) In the fast-paced world of retail, staying ahead means you need to be innovative. And when innovation means convenience, the self-checkout trend stands out as a game-changer. For retailers embracing this wave, implementing a seamless self-checkout system isn’t just about keeping up—it’s about leading the charge in a fiercely competitive industry.

However, navigating the self-checkout landscape is no easy feat. From choosing the right solution to deploying it across stores, it requires precision, foresight, and careful planning. This article aims to provide guidance for retailers embarking on this self-checkout journey.

The Evaluation Phase: Identifying the Need and Setting Expectations

Why choose self-checkout?

Before getting into terminals and technologies, retailers need to assess their store’s needs and conditions to ensure that self-checkout is a practical solution. For stores that see a high volume of customers, experience long waits and struggle with labor shortages, self-checkout is often a reliable solution for these issues.

Infrastructure and compatibility assessment

Retailers have various existing technologies such as POS systems, and any new self-checkout solution should seamlessly integrate with this ecosystem. Cross-functional teams, including IT, operations, and logistics professionals, should thoroughly assess the current infrastructure to identify potential compatibility issues early on.

Research and Vendor Selection: Finding the Perfect Fit

Market Exploration

With numerous options available in the self-checkout market, it’s crucial for retailers to conduct thorough research. Focus on systems that align with your unique customer base.

Comparative Analysis

When evaluating shortlisted self-checkout systems, prioritize objective criteria tailored to your retail environment. Make sure that the system you choose has features that work for your business’ needs.

Reputation and Customer Support

Remember, a vendor is more than just its product. Look for a provider with a strong reputation for excellent post-purchase customer support like Crane Payment Innovations.

Planning and Integration: Charting the Course

  • Set Clear Goals: Start with the end in mind. What does success look like for your self-checkout implementation? Cost savings? Improved customer satisfaction? Speedy transactions? Ensure your goals align with customer and corporate objectives.
  • Budget and Deadlines: A project without boundaries is bound to fail. Create a solid plan that includes financial and time constraints.
  • Synergy Amongst Teams: Integration is an art. Every component, whether it’s technology, human resources, or store design, must work together seamlessly. This requires a balance between strategic planning and operational details.

Testing and Piloting: Ensuring Feasibility

  • Trial Runs: Simulating the self-checkout experience helps identify potential issues before customer rollout.
  • Continuous Improvement: Gather user feedback and refine the checkout experience based on customer needs.
  • POS Harmony: Ensure flawless integration with Point of Sale (POS) systems to avoid disruptions.

Deployment and Training: Rolling Out the Red Carpet

  • Across Channels: Phased deployment across different store formats allows for refining the customer experience.
  • Education for All: Comprehensive training programs for employees and customers are crucial to ensure that everyone has at least a base of familiarity with the solution.
  • Continuous Learning Culture: Adopt a continuous learning approach to keep up with evolving technology and customer behaviors.

By following these phases, retailers can gear up to offer patrons the efficiency and control that defines modern shopping experiences. Self-checkout is more than a cost-saving technology; it’s a commitment to evolving with the needs and wants of your customers, reflecting the innovative character that underlies your retail brand.

CPI Provides Best-In-Class Self-Checkout Solutions

Successful checkout technologies begin with exceptional payment technologies. That’s why we design the industry’s most sophisticated, seamless and secure cash handling devices. With decades of technical experience and strategic partnerships, Crane Payment Innovations is the only provider with the expertise to manage transactions and keep cash secure, making us the natural starting point for checkout technology.

No matter the application, we can create a completely flexible self-checkout solution built to a retailer’s exact needs, with cash options to ensure an enhanced customer experience. To ensure that our machines stay up and running, our in-house service network of highly trained technicians are there to make sure that your investment is protected and runs smoothly. And, you have the incredible support of Crane’s certified distributor, GAD Vending, to assist you with all your sales, parts and service needs.


Brand Managers are Turning to Vending

Brand Managers are Turning to Vending 986 697 GAD Vending

Vending: Not Just for Vending

How Convenience Services is Expanding

Vending: it’s not just for vending anymore. As retailers and brands look for ways to extend their reach and distribute their products in new ways, they’re turning to vending for customized merchandising solutions. A trend driven by both retailers and end users seeking self-service, vending operators are presented with new market opportunities to deploy the equipment they’ve been using for years in a whole new way.

Brand Extension

How Custom Vending Can Play a Role

Auto Vending Specialists (AVS), an Australian equipment distributor, has successfully used vending for companies seeking to deploy and extend their brands in unique ways. Some of the world’s leading retailers, including Moet, Armani, Lancôme, and Yves Saint Laurent, have partnered with AVS to produce custom vending machines that both promote their brands and delight their customers.

Their most recognizable project supported wine producer Moet with a custom vending machine. Designed to dispense single-serving champagne bottles, the fully branded vending machines debuted at high-end events and venues. Vending gave Moet an interactive way to take their brand and their product directly to the end customer.

The custom machine program resulted in an uplift for AVS revenue and awareness. To support the custom requests, many of which are for pop-up or temporary events, the AVS model enables companies and brands to rent the machines. This allows them to use the same equipment from event to event, with custom wraps and graphics for each. AVS founder, Basil Hourmouzis, explained that while AVS works with multiple machine manufacturers, they lean on CPI machines for custom events. The flexibility and brand reach enabled by the custom machines’ graphics and digital media screens delivers extra value to retailers.

Big Branding Opportunities

Vending’s Custom Future

Hourmouzis believes that the trend towards non-traditional vending will continue to increase over the years, as retailers look for new ways to distribute and promote their products and brands. Both distributors and operators should accommodate these changing needs, increasing the flexibility of their offerings to support clientele beyond the traditional convenience services market.  Increased consumer reliance on self-service will mean increased demands from brands looking for new options to stay engaged with their customers.

Iron Maiden Pinball Tutorial

Iron Maiden Pinball Tutorial 1280 720 GAD Vending

Iron Maiden is back in production at Stern Pinball – and in stock at GAD.

Formed in 1975, Iron Maiden led the wave of British heavy metal music and became a global institution. Over the course of 40 years the band has come to embody a spirit of fearless creative independence, ferocious dedication to fans, and a cheerful indifference to critics. Iron Maiden has built a following that reaches every culture, generation, and time zone. With over 90 million album sales, more than 2,000 live performances in 63 countries, tens of millions of fans and 16 studio albums of unerring quality, Iron Maiden has more than earned its proudly-held status as one of the most influential and revered bands of all time.

The Iron Maiden pinball machines aim to reflect the same excitement, energy, and experience of a live Iron Maiden concert. Players will immerse themselves in an interactive Iron Maiden universe transforming into various forms of Eddie, the band’s legendary mascot. Players, as Eddie, will embark on a quest to defeat the Beast and his minions across the Legacy of the Beast mobile game and comic book world. Iron Maiden pinball entertains with an amazing array of modern and classic features, making it suitable for all skill levels.

All models include twelve Iron Maiden songs with players going to battle as Eddie with the help of four flippers, two spinners, a set of 3-bank drop targets, metal and wireform ramps, a captive ball mechanism, a dual up-post lock mechanism, and a center bullseye target.

GAD has Pro and Premium in stock. Call us to see what game makes sense for you, all the cost, and to set up installation.

Happy Labor Day 2024!

Happy Labor Day 2024! 1756 2048 GAD Vending

GAD offices will be closed on Monday, September 2, 2024 to observe Labor Day.

Doesn’t that just mean a great day to play pinball? Maybe some Golden Tee PGA?

Enjoy your Labor Day.


Pinball Expo!

Pinball Expo! 449 365 GAD Vending

Coming October 15 – 19 in Chicago, this is the premier pinball event of the year!

Open to the public (did we say ROAD TRIP)….

Event highlights:

Tuesday, October 15:
Chicago Gaming Factory Tour & Galloping Ghost Arcade (lunch served)
Wednesday, October 16:
Logan Arcade, American Pinball Factory Tour & Enterrium (lunch served)
Thursday, October 17:
Jersey Jack Pinball Factory Tour & Seminars
Event Hall Open 12:00 Noon – Midnight
Friday, October 18:
Stern Pinball Factory Tour & Seminars
Event Hall Open 10:00 am – Midnight
Saturday, October 19:
Seminars, Autograph Session, Live Music
Event Hall Open 10:00 am – 2:00 am


Although there was a 1948 United Baby Face pinball machine in his basement, it was during the annual family vacation to visit his aunt in Florida when a very young Rob Berk became completely captivated by the wonders of the silver ball. As Berk remembers, “My dad, for whatever reason, always made it a point to take the kids to the arcade. I guess he liked pinball, so it was his way of introducing me to it. And it became our ritual. In fact, there was a bookstore called Alfies on Alton Road in Miami Beach that had two pinball games and we would just play for hours.” The connection and fascination intensified when Berk’s father added a D. Gottlieb Texan, manufactured in 1960 and the last 4-player wood rail game from the company, to the family basement.

Rob Berk’s life was to completely change when he started college at Kent State University in 1972 and discovered as he recalls, “…a room full of pinball machines as far as your eye could see, and that really got me going to the point where I decided I wanted to collect pinball machines from the 1960s.” The first game he purchased was a 1969 Williams Post Time, which also triggered his love affair for add-a-ball pinball machines. His collection has grown to over 1,000 pinball machines, spanning all eras, with his personal favorite electro-mechanical game still being that very first Post Time and for more modern machines, he counts Williams’ Medieval Madness at the top of the list.

It was this ardent passion for pinball that drew Berk into an entirely different enterprise that has endured far beyond his initial plan. With pinball all around him and reading books on the subject as well as joining a club of collectors who would get together once a month to play games, Berk had a thought that would not only change his life, but also change the fortunes of pinball for more than thirty years and counting.

Berk had an idea as he expressed, “I was such a pinball enthusiast, playing as much as I could and reading about the history of the machines and industry. In doing this I learned the names of the artists and designers responsible for the games and realized they were bringing me a great amount of happiness through what they were creating. And I thought wouldn’t it be something special to recognize them and pay tribute to them.” And so it was that Pinball Expo was born over the November 22nd-24th weekend in Chicago in 1985.

For the first time, there was an exposition dedicated to celebrating individuals, many of whom were around when pinball was starting out during the height of the Great Depression in the early 1930s. This exposition allowed collectors, enthusiasts, and hobbyists to show their appreciation. Berk established a program of seminars featuring such legendary individuals as Alvin Gottlieb, Steve Kordek, Norm Clark, Wayne Neyens—men who had shaped an industry. There were exhibits of old and new machines, parts, and a banquet to top off a weekend pinball lovin’.

This first Pinball Expo was an overwhelming success and what Rob Berk and his associates thought was going to be just a one-time affair, has endured and continued to thrive for years. Recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the longest running pinball exposition in the world, the Pinball Expo continues its tradition of paying homage to the wonders of pinball past, present and a peak into the future.

Beginning in 2021 the Pinball Expo was staged at the Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center in Schaumburg, Illinois. The festivities included a tour of the Stern Pinball factory, a full schedule of speakers and seminars, pinball tournaments, a vendor hall to find anything and everything imaginable for the pinball curious, and a host of other activities that, once again, brought the best of what pinball means to so many. For more information, please contact Rob Berk at ([email protected] or [email protected]); call 330-716-3139. Or contact us here.

Reimaging Custom Vending Solutions

Reimaging Custom Vending Solutions 988 694 GAD Vending

Vending machines aren’t just for snacks and sodas any more. So many creative ideas to use vending thus increasing your sales, profit picture and lowing employee costs.

Now, just asking what is it your audience is looking for?

How about life saving items by the pool? Stock a vending machine with sunscreens, water wings, googles and the like to add revenue to your swimming pool. Perfect for neighborhood pools looking for extra cash flow during the summer.

Add revenue to your gym. Just think of all the items your clients forget and how convenient it would be to sell them quick items. And, especially with 24 hour gyms, vending machines don’t need employees except to keep stocked.

Think about ear buds. Phone charger cables. Pain relief medications and ointments. Microfiber towels. Health and beauty products like deodorant, toothpaste and shampoos. Whatever can be stuffed in a gym bag can be sold in a vending machine.

Grocery store or convenient store added revenue. When your customers are near the baked goods, think a fresh grinding coffee machine. Add a vending machine near the door with the quick, forgotten items like toothpaste, phone accessories and candies. Think about a vending machine to secure more expensive, small items that customers can purchase quickly without employee assistance. Reduce theft and employee time.

At the transportation hub. For airports, bus stations and train depots – anywhere there are travelers – the opportunity exists to help your customers and add to your revenue stream. Think about pain medications, stomach relief, phone accessories and candies. Create a beauty vending machine. Add a specialty drink vending machine (non-alcoholic). Anything that travelers need quickly without waiting in a line to pay a cashier. Reduces theft, employee time and adds convenience to your traveling customers.

If you have a lot of foot traffic and you are looking for new ideas to brand, add revenue and reduce problems, call GAD.



Looking for the Best Digital Music Solutions? Meet the Atom

Looking for the Best Digital Music Solutions? Meet the Atom 1019 500 GAD Vending

Meet the ATOM

The Atom Jukebox, a lightweight powerhouse weighing just 33 pounds, sets a new standard for jukebox technology. Its compact size and portability make it the ideal music companion for any space, from cozy diners to lively bars or expansive entertainment venues. Offering a solo install feature, it eliminates the need to wait for a crew, ensuring a hassle-free setup.

With its competitive pricing and an advanced computer core allowing swift component swaps, the Atom stands as a cost-efficient solution to replace outdated jukeboxes, ushering in a new era of seamless and uninterrupted music entertainment. Step into the future of jukebox technology with the Atom, where innovation and music converge effortlessly.


The Atom jukebox boasts a small footprint: less than 2′ high and 19″ wide — perfect for venues where wall space is at a premium. At only 33 lbs, this easily transportable and easily shippable jukebox weighs the same as a microwave oven. And if those numbers don’t impress you, this one surely will: a completely straightforward and hassle-free 1-person installation!

Because it’s from AMI, you can count on it to deliver the same sound and quality as previous jukeboxes. The Atom jukebox is a compact, yet complete entertainment package of music, videos, and digital signage.

• Give your venues’ guests access to AMI’s digital catalog of millions of songs, including entire albums, timeless classics, and the newest hits.
• Utilize content filtering to tailor the available music selection at your venues, aligning perfectly with their desired ambiance and vibe.
• Use AMI Ad Manager to craft, plan, and manage your unique advertisements for display on the jukebox and connected TVs.
• Deliver captivating in-venue entertainment with tens of thousands of selectable music videos that play on TVs you connect to the Atom.


• When a patron selects a song that has an available music video, the jukebox UI (or AMI Music app UI) suggests upgrading to the video selection.
• Patrons pay a small upcharge for video selections.
• Selected videos play on the TVs you connect to your Atom.
• AMI’s Music Video On-Demand (MVOD) feature grants players access to the full library of more than 35,000 music videos.


AMI Co-Pilot* makes managing your Atom, and all AMI jukeboxes, easy – no matter where you are. With countless benefits for both operators and location staff, this is one mobile app that does it all.

• Access Jukebox Remote Control Functions.
• Enable and Manage Background Music.
• Create Digital Advertisements.
• Customize the Atom’s User Interface.
• Notify AMI Music App Users.
• Troubleshoot the Jukebox.
• Earn Free Credits with AMI’s Staff Rewards Program.
• Activate Event Mode.
• View Jukebox Connections and Status Reports.
• And more!
*Feature permissions are set and controlled by the Operator Executive.


• When a patron selects a song that has an available music video, the jukebox UI (or AMI Music app UI) suggests upgrading to the video selection.
• Patrons pay a small upcharge for video selections.
• Selected videos play on the TVs you connect to your Atom.
• AMI’s Music Video On-Demand (MVOD) feature grants players access to the full library of more than 35,000 music videos.

H: 23.25″, W: 18.5″, D: 7.5″; Weight: 33 lbs.

• 18.5″ wide HD touchscreen display for music selection and promotions.
• High-power computer core includes the motherboard, power supply, I/O controller, and a solid-state hard drive
• IR wireless remote control
• 250-Watt, 2-Channel Amp Sound System for immersive, room-filling sound (additional 250-Watt Amp available)
• Broadband connection required for song and music video updates
• Bill acceptor (500-bill capacity)