
Fit Pick – Your Healthy Vending Options

Fit Pick – Your Healthy Vending Options 485 672 GAD Vending

Fit Pick is the vending industry’s signature nutrition outreach initiative. Since its launch in 2005, FitPick machines have been available to millions of vending machine patrons. Currently, close to 15,000 American organizations – schools, hospitals, workplaces and all branches of the U.S. military – are participating in the program.

For workplaces, the Fit Pick program features new nutrition guidelines with absolute value requirements that are easy for operators and consumers to understand. Fit Pick Select, the program designed for schools, hospitals and other locations, has adopted the USDA Sart Snacks in School nutrient standards, helping ensure the program is approved in all health-oriented settings.

NAMA has tapped he Nutrition Advisory Council of outside nutrition experts, influencers from leading universities and health organizations, and its Healthy Vending and Micro Market Leadership Committee to help craft and explain the new guidelines.

New colorful graphics grab consumers’ attention and promote brand awareness.