5 Tips To Picking The Best Vending Management System

5 Tips To Picking The Best Vending Management System

5 Tips To Picking The Best Vending Management System 370 370 GAD Vending

Succeeding with VMS

While most vending operators are well aware of the importance of a good vending management system (VMS), when it comes to continued investment in new technology, making the right choices can be tricky. With an ever-expanding field of providers and experts, operators face a lot of decisions. We break down the best way for operators to shop when they’re looking to add new features and functionality to their VMS.

1.    Pick an Open Platform Solution

When it comes to making a new investment, the last thing you’ll want to have to worry about is migrating data. Look for solutions that provide an open platform with multiple integration options data sharing between your VMS and other business systems.

2.   Pick a solution that is intuitive

New technology means time spent onboarding employees both new and seasoned. When it comes to investing in add-ons to their VMS, operators should focus on platforms that are intuitive and user-friendly to maximize employee use and minimize training needs.


3.    Pick a solution that allows employees to use their own devices

An investment in new technology seems expensive, especially when hardware is considered, but with a focus on mobile technology, these expenses can be negated. Operators should seek solutions that are mobile-friendly (across both Apple and Android operating systems) and ideally allow associates to access software tools right from their own mobile devices or tablets. Additionally, technologies that are compatible with cloud-based systems that allow for the dissolution of location-based servers.

4.    Prioritize real-time data

Data means actionable insights, but only if you have it when you need it. Prioritize live data that can be shared between drivers in the field and supervisors in the office to increase efficiency in every route visit.

5.    Pick a solution that allows phased upgrades

For operators with large workforces, the idea of having to update everyone’s devices can be daunting. Operators should look for platforms that allow for phased upgrades, enabling them to update as they replace old devices. This means you can follow an upgrade path that is modular and can be executed in phase.

The Takeaway

As you continue to update and invest in your Vending Management System, ask GAD Vending how you can implement smart, economical solutions that maximize efficiency in your operation.