
Upcoming Stern Pro Circuit Events (AKA Road Trips)

Upcoming Stern Pro Circuit Events (AKA Road Trips) 2048 1363 GAD Vending

Already scheduled in 2023 are drivable (or otherwise) Stern Pro Circuit Events.

Keep an eye on Stern Pinball’s website. And the International Flipper Pinball Association Calendar of Events (IFPA).

Here’s a few to check out this weekend:




Pinball Events for a Fall Roadtrip

Pinball Events for a Fall Roadtrip 1026 1500 GAD Vending

Looking for a fall road trip? Destination pinball. 

If you are looking to play a lot of different pinball in one place or participate in a tournament, there is an event for you this fall. These are linked to Stern’s website but there are lots more listed at the IFPA events website.

Here’s a few:

Sept 9-11 IFPA Event in Lynnwood, WA

Sept 15-18 ClePin Pinball and Arcade Show in Cleveland, OH

Oct 19-22 Chicago Pinball Expo and IFPA Event

Nov 18-20 Free Play Florida in Orlando