Reimaging Custom Vending Solutions

Reimaging Custom Vending Solutions

Reimaging Custom Vending Solutions 988 694 GAD Vending

Vending machines aren’t just for snacks and sodas any more. So many creative ideas to use vending thus increasing your sales, profit picture and lowing employee costs.

Now, just asking what is it your audience is looking for?

How about life saving items by the pool? Stock a vending machine with sunscreens, water wings, googles and the like to add revenue to your swimming pool. Perfect for neighborhood pools looking for extra cash flow during the summer.

Add revenue to your gym. Just think of all the items your clients forget and how convenient it would be to sell them quick items. And, especially with 24 hour gyms, vending machines don’t need employees except to keep stocked.

Think about ear buds. Phone charger cables. Pain relief medications and ointments. Microfiber towels. Health and beauty products like deodorant, toothpaste and shampoos. Whatever can be stuffed in a gym bag can be sold in a vending machine.

Grocery store or convenient store added revenue. When your customers are near the baked goods, think a fresh grinding coffee machine. Add a vending machine near the door with the quick, forgotten items like toothpaste, phone accessories and candies. Think about a vending machine to secure more expensive, small items that customers can purchase quickly without employee assistance. Reduce theft and employee time.

At the transportation hub. For airports, bus stations and train depots – anywhere there are travelers – the opportunity exists to help your customers and add to your revenue stream. Think about pain medications, stomach relief, phone accessories and candies. Create a beauty vending machine. Add a specialty drink vending machine (non-alcoholic). Anything that travelers need quickly without waiting in a line to pay a cashier. Reduces theft, employee time and adds convenience to your traveling customers.

If you have a lot of foot traffic and you are looking for new ideas to brand, add revenue and reduce problems, call GAD.